Through the day itself I invariably keep scanning the channels to check if a blast has occurred or not, where have we been hit? I know its not just me either, I know the entire nation is gripped with the same thoughts, we may miss our national flag hoisting or even forget to stand up in respect for our national anthem but seldom do we allow ourselves to miss the grotesque details of mindless violence unleashed in our country on OUR DAY!
I am scared, I am concerned and I bloody well identify with Nasureedin Shah’s character in the movie “A Wednesday”. Where do we stop this? How do we get it stopped? Exercising my voting rights, ensuring awareness displaces ignorance or getting into the citizen police act all helps and contributes to save ourselves and our country but it feels like a drop of water against the red ocean of terrorism.
Intelligent society says as “Love” is the only vaccine for HIV so too is it the only vaccine for terrorism. But I am no Buddha to smile in the face of uncalled for anger and violence. I react with a mind filled with impotent fury and then get even more frustrated when I realize that my reactions don’t count.
It’s at times like this that I wish technological advancements had been restricted to only the field of medical science. After all without bombs and nuclear weapons we wouldn’t have been able to kill so many of us at one go huh?
Amidst all these thoughts I await Independence Day. May my country’s flag fly high and proudly with no blood shed to stain it. Jai Hind!
Entire world is now in the grip of these terror groups.But still the difference it we have got used to it and live with it everyday and the 'developed' nation still blow up the news even at the minutest hint of terror suspect. I guess it the word 'developed' thats the whole difference. You dont spread terror if you live in luxury and have much more than basic needs of life.Even if you want (like Mr Osama) you will not have people as messengers of terror if they have all their responsibilities taken care of. Excercising your voting rights , freedom of speech etc is all fine for proving that u r the part of largest democracy, but not enough to move people out of poverty and then giving them a social securtiy like western countries.And its not just our country but this applies to all our neighbours and theirs too. How to do that, I am still not able to figure out. But as we alwasy say PROUD TO BE AN INDIAN. Happy INDEPENDENCE DAY