Sunday, January 27, 2013


Its 2013, a new year, new beginnings and a new dawn. So what are some of the things on the top of my mind as I start this year.
A very dear friend of mine whom I had sort of in the back of my mind lost hope for has gone ahead and surprised me by announcing his marriage. I truly was on the verge of giving up hope on that happening and every time I thought about it I was saddened. I know it’s a big step for him something awaited something dreaded and I wish him all the happiness in life in this new exciting chapter of his.
With that news coming in I have in my mind termed 2013 to be a year of happy surprises…probably miracles.
Another bit of happy news I am thrilled over is the expected arrival of a baby during the 1st quarter of this year…NOT ME…..hehehhe…..but for another close friend of mine. Its been an absolutely wonderful time seeing her go through her pregnancy and mentally holding her hands and sharing my experience. If we had the concept of godmother’s more prevalent in India then she would be the godmother I would choose for Ashita.
So that’s news on actual incidents yet to happen this year, however for things that have not materialised ……yet! Shall I term that as my wish-list for 2013.
  • I hope that my brother decides to settle down and gets married this year. My most fervent prayer right now however it should happen with his complete agreement and happiness.
  • My dad is on his feet and able to maintain a healthy lifestyle in all senses of that word.
  • Loose weight….i wonder if there will ever be a year in my life when I have not started the year with resolution to loose weight and become thin and lean. I guess this is one wish I may very well carry to my grave and thereafter return from the netherworld to haunt skinny humans for.
  • I wish to be working all through the year and not have any gaps on my resume. This has nothing to do with being career oriented and all to do with bank balances.
  • To learn something new…..this one is a bit tricky…..last year I was trying to learn something new and what I ended up doing is I learnt swimming and although I haven’t mastered it I can now officially swim. However that was before I started working so wondering what will be possible for this year. Need to give this one some thought...
I wonder what all my friends are doing and thinking. Anyways hope each and everyone has a great year ahead.

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