Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Annual Leave

My boss came in yesterday. She works out of Manchester and she visits the Edinburgh office once in two weeks. Ordinarily this wouldn’t be a big deal but then I needed to tell her that I shall be on leave for 3 weeks in November. Why you ask? Well my sister in laws wedding of course.

So after discussing all action points relating to my work, I casually slipped in the point that I would be on Annual Leave during November. Annual Leave is something I picked up here, this past month I am seeing a lot of people marked “On Annual Leave” in their calendars. This is the time when Europe is at its sunniest or warmest, also the time for school holidays, so most people take off 2-3 weeks during this time. I figured if they can then so can I. My boss turned out to be very happy with me as I was professional enough to plan it well in advance and she had full confidence that I would ensure no work items would be hindered due to my absence! Duh – what?!!

Talk about managing expectations and people. I like the way she positively replied for that put me in the right frame of mind and then smoothly slipped in the fact that I should do relevant transfer of work responsibilities before I leave. Brilliant!

Anyways now my calendar has Nov days marked with Annual Leave. Whenever I feel swamped with work I just turn to my calendar and I feel a smile coming on. :)


  1. good to kno u get such a long leave.. Please impose this practice in Indian companies too !! ;-) Njoi and welcome :-)

  2. neeta when will you take my appointment .. else your trip to mumbai will be incomplete :)
