Friday, July 2, 2010

Indian from India!

One thing that I do notice now that its been almost two weeks since I joined here is the fact that people don’t expect me to be from India just because I am an Indian. Confused? Don’t be let me explain.

People here tend to be shocked, whenever during the course of conversation it slips from me that I have been in Edinburgh only for about 4 months now. There are now that I have taken the time to look around quite a few people who could be of Indian origin but carry themselves exactly how natives here do. I gather these people might be the second or third generation of Indians or Asian origin people who have been brought up here. So what I didn’t pick up earlier was on the fact that people around were far more comfortable with my existence among them than I myself. The operating premise is that I am perhaps one such second or third generation or else I have been here for quite a number of years.

So when they do come to know that either premise is false and that I have been here for only 4 months, the first question I get is, “But then, how come your English is so good?” the second question I get is, “So then are you here on your own or do you have family?” and the third and final question I get is “How long is your stay then?”

The 1st question initially felt quite complimentary but as the number of people asking it grew the question became tedious and insulting. Yes I speak English well, I am from a country which has English as second language and is spoken as much if not more than our mother tongues. Oh I tried that response once but then I had to explain why English was so widely spoken and I got into the tangled web of “India, you see, is a DIVERSE country!”

The second question surprises me for the people here are normally very aware of personal boundaries and take care not to cross them. It also gives me a feeling of being a frog under a telescope, up for scrutiny! And hello for heavens sake what does it matter if I am on my own or with family, right now right here, I am working, so what’s your problem buddy?

The third question is when I feel like giving up. And there I thought I was making some inroads and making a few friends here and there. But then all they want to know is when they get to see my back for good!!!! So much for gelling in.

Another week down people, weekend is here, wish all of you a great weekend ahead and hey don’t think of Monday unless you absolutely have to.

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