Thursday, July 8, 2010


I am not an avid football watcher, perhaps I should be more honest than that……I have hardly watched 5 football games in total. So when people go ga-ga over Manchester United, I normally have a bland smile on my face and I nod knowingly. World Cup 2010 therefore didn't stir any great emotional response from me.
My dad and brother on the other hand were going on about it; the latter more so being an ardent fan of Argentina. Last weekend we got a TV in our home here and there happened to be a match going on, I don’t remember the teams playing but I did sit and watch for a time. It sort of was interesting and I thought okay, I should see how it all ends!
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing said a wise man. Well I happened to watch yesterday the semi final match between Germany and Spain. Since Germany was being touted as the Goliath I thought I would support poor David. Luckily for me David actually paid off. So then today morning as I was talking to my brother, my poor husband was shocked from his sleep to hear me speak about defence, strategy, goal and such. My poor brother although knows that I was football ignorant in my childhood has no clue whether I picked it up during the years I was in Chennai. And I was just happy to share my new found knowledge via the commentators.


  1. Good.. from Cricket to Football now !!... :-)

  2. Thanks for clearing a very big doubt or rather 'Not understanding' i had from morning.
