Sunday, July 11, 2010

Banking Services

This weekend we needed monthly statements from each of our bank accounts respectively. So Saturday, although gloomy and wet, we decided to brave the weather and head to our banks. Shaiwal banks with HSBC and I bank with Santander. Let me at the beginning set the record straight - Santander was not something I chose because I wanted to but I chose it simply for the fact that while other banks were taking a month to process and open a bank account, Santander was taking only 2 weeks.

Before setting out to the banks, due to my low opinion of services here, I decided to call up the bank and check the process of getting a monthly statement. The bank executive assured me that I could walk in to the branch and get my statement, however (aha the catch!) I needed to carry my photo ID and proof of address. Why in god’s name I needed to carry the two for the life of him he couldn’t answer, especially when I was sincerely trying to explain that I was already an account holder and while I understand the requirement for my photo ID, I couldn’t comprehend the need for proof of address. Well I didn’t want to delay so I took along both while going to the bank.

First stop was HSBC, there were two beautiful girls standing at the entry asking “May I help?” One couldn’t help but smile back looking at such lovely girls and I guess the overall customer reaction would be, “No please, however if you may then I would like to be of help” Whatever!

Shaiwal explained he needed his monthly bank statement, the lady then proceeded to a nearby machine punched in the request, the machine promptly sprouted out a chit which she then handed over to us and guided us to go upstairs to first floor. The chit had instructions to go to the first floor as well and also the name of the bank executive who would handle our bank request. As we went upstairs the executive was already waiting for us and led us to her seat. After verifying Shaiwal’s identification, she then competently printed and handed over the bank statement, all the while enquiring if there was anything else we needed. WHOA!!! What service! To top it off the ambience was amazing too; the office is in the heart of Edinburgh with floor to ceiling windows overlooking the Edinburgh Castle. We were impressed; banking with HSBC sure does make you feel good.

Next stop Santander Bank. I had weird feeling that my bank would not match up to HSBC standards so my feet dragged a bit on the way over. However can’t delay the inevitable for long. We went into Santander and found no beautiful girls, we found a queue to the teller window and a bank executive seated at the desk speaking in hushed sympathetic tones to a customer. I couldn’t make out whether the executive was solving a bank related issue or the customer’s divorce issue.

Anyways after a small wait, I went up to the teller window, since the executive didn’t look like he would be free soon. The teller very promptly assured me that I COULDN’T have my bank statement as these were never issued at the branches, the request for them were to be placed over phone and it would reach me in 10 -12 working days time. I laboriously explained to the teller my entire conversation with his phone banking and said I had even bought in my photo ID and proof of address. It didn't cause any ripple, the teller happily repeated to me what he said before. I did get a statement of transactions for the last 3 weeks but not a monthly statement.

Well Santander might be the official sponsors for Formula 1 but they don’t have well streamlined banking process in place to service the customer much less to provide customer delight! Oh HSBC tussi great ho.

1 comment:

  1. sounds.. ICICI customer service was much better, at the cenotaph road branch, than satander !! :P
