Monday, April 26, 2010

Savings don’t come easy

So we heard about this great place called CostCo which is an amazing store where you get stuff at cheap rates, infact so cheap that other retail stores buy from CostCo, stock up in their own stores and sell. So its like you are supposed to get at warehouse price and less. CostCo sells all your typical household stuff and food items, like your groceries, your rice, pulses, frozen meat or vegetables, chocolates, bathroom cleaners, bed sheets, clocks, clothes, suitcases, stamps, camera’s, vitamins, shaving accessories and creams, beauty creams and god knows what else.

This place is also situated outside city limits but then distance hath no challenge, so we trooped out to CostCo during the weekend to make our bucks stretch more than they usually would. How pleased we were to pick up Rice – 5kgs for 5 pounds, 3ltr oil, 5 kgs of Sugar and a few more such things. But hey one glitch, the place doesn’t give out shopping bags, so you need to bring it from home. Duh Huh!!! So what do we do with the stuff?!!! How do we take it home?

The good lord provides in mysterious ways I say!

Along with us was a new friend whom we had met only that day, he was Shaiwal’s friend’s friend and he wanted to tag along to CostCo since he was going to India next weekend and he wanted to get stuff for family back home. Well it so happened that the guy also needed a suitcase! Hehehe guess what got packed into his suitcase in the first instance.
Whoa!! What amazing savings, so we all went back home weary from the shopping strain mentally patting our shoulders for the savings made. Actually the boys were bone tired not from the shopping strain but actually having to carry all the stuff back home. I could almost hear their bones creak each time they moved.

The thing is we never learn to leave well enough alone, we always tend to dig more and that’s exactly what we did. So even though a few arms were bruised and no one was in any shape to move around, back at home we decided to check out HOW MUCH of a saving we actually did make. After all sleep would be so much sweeter. :) That was the thought, until we discovered that there wasn’t a price difference at all, the neighbourhood Tesco or Sainsbury were selling at pretty much the same prices, give or take 10 pence either ways.

Our mothers would have made us wash our mouths with Detol if they heard the abuses that followed hence. But hey, what to say, guess savings don’t come easy do they?

oh yeah one interesting thing about Costco, they try to lure customers to buy food stuff by handing out free samples like pastries, fish fry, chicken kebab, gummy bears, chickpea salads, etc...all in small quantities. However, if a person were to try one each of all the food samples being handed out, i assure you, you wouldnt need lunch or dinner that day.


  1. absolutely!! but then i guess as indians we always tend to think that we can put one over the whites and this is the result of such thinking!! :)
