Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Time Flies

Amazing weekend of four days off and happily loitering to our hearts content. Unfortunately all good things need to come to an end and so did this weekend as well.

During the weekend, we went to the hall and saw the latest movie Bounty Hunter which has Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler, while the former is looking amazingly old the latter looks a lot like Mel Gibson! It was an entertaining movie, nothing more nothing less. It kind of reminded me of Mr and Mrs Smith of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. It was a nice way to pass time.

Before entering the movie hall we had been to a mall, my first in Scotland. Curiously enough this place has loads of streets with shops on both sides but very few, if any at all, malls to speak of. We entered this one in search of a knapsack for Shaiwal, so when we stepped into a shop inside and found one of Puma at a bargain price we totally fell for it and picked it up. Once out of the shop Mr.Mathur literally strutted, there is something quite infinite about the pride and joy of a new buy, is there not? However, it was short lived :)

Having reached Nirvana himself, Shaiwal was keen for me to reach the same stage and so he insisted I buy a bag for myself too since I was badly handicapped without it whenever I was going out and well the handbag I had was more formal and dressy than daily use variety. With a half mind I entered another store thinking I wasn’t going to shop and then suddenly – Holy Hell……amazing collection of bags at the most cheapest rates I had yet to see. Knapsacks were available at half the price of the one we picked up, of course it wasn’t Puma, but then who cared!!! Well the world order of shoppers would have had me hung if I passed up on such a deal, so I picked up a nice side sling bag for my daily journeys :)

Shaiwal says I look like a bus conductor with it but then again sour grapes might have such statements to make, wouldn’t they ? :)

By the way, during my many online job searches out here I discovered the monsterjobs has a UK dedicated website, which didn’t have any of my details on it! I quickly rectified the situation and sent out applications for all Business Analyst jobs which I could get my hands on. You wont believe the speed at which rejection comes here, even though it was Easter and even though no one is supposed to be working during the weekend, I still got mails saying SORRY NOT SUITABLE. OUCH!!!!

Well success was never for the faint hearted so am going back to the job site again!
:) By the way, I keep trying to sell myself as a Lead Business Analyst and then suddenly Shaiwal breaks my bubble telling me that the Lead Business Analyst in his office here has 12 years of experience…….uh oh!!! :(

Last but not least, my husband showed me in photographic terms how much of a big mouth I am and that I keep talking till the person next to me sort of submits himself or herself to my speech torture. Highly Animated Speech Torture by Neeta Mohandas. Guess its worth a laugh so here it is …… :)


  1. hey try for some job in the media, etc, what do u say ?

  2. want to but not sure how to. dont have the relevant experience or the degrees to back me up :(
