Friday, April 16, 2010

Skype Rocks

I know this is old news and that the internet made everyone in the world about as close distance-wise as your neighbour long back!! However, I still got the kick of my life when I first chatted with my parents and in laws on Skype. It’s amazing to be able to see them on the video chat and talk to them without worrying about my ISD bill. Feels as if they were right there in the room, I even managed to show them Shaiwal taking out the trash!! :)

The great part is I have both sides scrambling to learn how to hook up on the net and start Skype coz they think it’s pretty amazing that they can see us while talking. So while previously my mum couldn’t care less about the internet revolution now she wants to be part of it.

My brother poor guy about 4 yrs back persevered to teach her how to access at least the cookery sites, thinking it was a brilliant idea to get mum onto the net by luring her with her favourite past times but then TV was an easier alternate and a known devil so she happily stopped using the net as soon his back was turned.

My dad on the other hand couldn’t be smugger coz he was one of the first ones to ride the waves of the internet revolution. I still remember him getting my brother and me the commodore 64 when I hadn’t even reached high school and he asked us to learn programming. Ya right!!! Well after trying one or two programmes which got the screen to show “RUN” completely covering on the screen, we turned to the more interesting part – Games! Sadly though high school happened, friends came, gossip started and well so did a bit of studies…so the computer and the internet took a back seat for us for a little while. My dad on the other hand kept discovering it and so now he gets to show off to my mum and charge her for internet classes and usage :) Way to go dad!

Well checked up a bit on Skype and here is a little trivia on the company. It initially started out with the name Sky peer to peer which was later shortened to Skyper and finally to the well known Skype. In 2009 Q3 the Skype to Skype minutes recorded were 27.7 billions. Guess its definitely not ONLY me who thinks that Skype rocks. :)

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