Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Beauty, tourism and a new friend

Summer has begun, clouds are no longer what the sky is filled with, the sun finally seems to be making not a guest appearance but a full time appearance and even at 9:30 in the night it feels as if its only 6:30 because of the day light. More importantly the trees are blooming, colors other than white or brown are now visible.

This weekend, we got up early and went for a walk at the stadium nearby. I could have sat there for hours happily not because the weather was good, not because the stadium was lined up with trees that had bright pink and baby pink flowers in them and certainly not because as you walked through the path on the outer perimeter of the stadium the flowers from the tree were falling and there was a carpet of flowers to walk on.

The reason was that right in the midst of the stadium expanse of green there were a group of dog owners standing and chatting. The loyal dogs were running from that small group as fast as possible to wherever the ball was being thrown to, catching them, returning to the owner and then repeating the exercise. All the dogs were furry creatures and as they ran you could see the fur falling up and down, the sheer beauty of their legs stomping through the lawn at such speed was awesome to watch.

Scotland was previously beautiful to my eyes but now with the sun out and the flowers blooming it is overwhelmingly beautiful. :)

I am these days in the role of not a tourist anymore but have been promoted to that of a tourist guide. Shaiwal’s colleague’s sister has come down from USA, where she is a student. So while his colleague has to go to office and can’t keep company her sister, I, the jobless volunteered to do so. I now revisit all those places that I have already been to and show her around with a little bit of history on the place being injected into our conversations. I wonder if I should apply for some tourist guide permit and start charging, perhaps that could be my source of income.

This may seem a bit weird but I seem to have made a friend from another species……well I can sincerely confess here that the hand for friendship was not put forward by me, I did not however refuse either. Everyday as I sit by the sitting room window on my PC, this friend normally comes by the windows stares a bit rudely and then leaves. I didn’t pay much attention till today when my friend decided enough of being ignored and rudely made noises at the window to get my attention.

It’s a squirrel, I am not sure whether it’s a he or a she, I would like to think though it’s a she coz its got very kind eyes. Until today I was mostly ignoring her but as I said earlier today she demanded me to pay attention and then I realised that this one seems to be spending quite a lot of time running around in the garden out front, when she gets tired though she likes to come sit in front of my window and check what I am doing. I guess for her it must be like having her own zoo facility. :)

I am not sure, but when we had initially come to this house, there was a squirrel out back and it was winter and snowing so I had fed it a few biscuit pieces. I wonder if this is the same squirrel. She is a bit camera shy so the two times I tried to click her she hasn’t yielded. She does come and peer at me while I do my dishes too in the kitchen. Guess it must be a lonely life for a squirrel in the city. :)


  1. Hey.. i see your frustration regarding job search in every other post.. dont worry.. change your strategy you will hit it..

  2. you're right i guess its becoming my pet peeve....will try to change strategy...:)
