Thursday, May 13, 2010

Lifestyle to beautiful skin

Its official I am now an editor of a published book – Lifestyle to beautiful skin. It is selling on for $3.51

I was taken aback when my friend Hetal who had previously shown no inclination towards the literary word said she wanted to write a book. She said she wanted me to be her editor and that gave me a smile because she trusted me with her words. A huge compliment for me; always tends to put me in a good mood.

When the first draft of the book came for editing, my first reactions was to rewrite content put in more flowery content and basically take over. Sorry about that Hetal but when I took a step back I realised that this was her book, the way she wanted to say stuff and I was just helping her present it. I am glad I didn’t listen to my initial instincts I would have botched everything up. Instead now the book has shaped up well and with the true intent and soul of the writer herself in the presentation.

However, what I liked about the entire exercise is the entrepreneurial spirit I saw in my friend. She had put in efforts to research on skin care from various different sources for her own skin problems. She had the knowledge at hand and she decided to put it to use.

How many of us do that? Even before I start a thought on possibilities, my mind fills up with the constraints attached rather than the opportunities. I am typically a person who sees the glass as half full and half empty with more analysis to why it’s half empty. :) (Couldn’t go about calling myself a pessimist directly!)

Well Hetal hats off to you and your entrepreneurial spirit, I have no clue whether this book will sell or not but I have absolute faith that in years to come I shall hear of more ventures you undertake. May success be your companion.

Meanwhile let me explore the possibilities of showing off as a budding editor. ;)


  1. Congrats sis of mine your going great guns, wish you all the very best. Love you a lot

  2. hey.. i reiterate my wish "Please start writing a book" now that you have reviewed one i dont think its going to be difficult.. instead of getting frustrated as a jobless girl.. start writing a book

  3. :) thank u neeta.. i was really doubting my presentation skills when i started writing. but when u edited the book i knew that now it will be well accepted by audience.. the sale has commenced lets see how popular we get ;)

  4. Kalyan - any suggestions on what topic to write on :)

    Hetal - i hope it sells well and that you get to write a second edition :)

  5. You can start writing with a collection on your job hunt.. just kidding :P
