Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A different day

Today was a different day from all the days I have been in Edinburgh so far, today when I woke up I didn’t rush to make breakfast or pack lunch for Shaiwal, instead today I had tea, got ready myself in formals, caught a quick bite and made haste.

I haven’t got a job yet but a recruitment agency wanted to meet me and they set the meeting time at 9 am so it almost felt like I had a job and then I realised oh what a wonderfully lazy life I have right now :)

I mean it felt really nice to get ready and more than nice I felt important to be going about at office hour as if I was to go for a hard day’s work. However I could also feel the grunge of working. All the people in the bus, in suits and work clothes and what not, were all wearing the same frustrated boring expressions. It definitely hasn’t been so long since I stopped working myself for me to not identify with that expression; it’s the very same one I used to wear to work. Oh the things we do for money in the bank :)

Anyways I trotted over to the recruitment agency office which is in a posh area of Edinburgh and was a posh office in itself. I met with this lady who had invited me over and I had a tough time. Not in explaining out my profile but in meeting her eyes. She had grey piercing eyes lined up with false eyelashes. It was hard to be looking at her eyes while talking and as a rule I look directly at people’s eyes while conversing. God she grilled me for an hour on my background, my education, my career and my unemployed days, so much so that I actually felt as if I had been through an interview. THEN she made me go through a role play where she was the interviewer and I the victim and she asked me the oh so dreaded awful question – “Tell me something about yourself.” It took me three takes to get that one right as to her satisfaction. The role playing continued for another hour.

At the end of this exhausting exercise she cheerfully conveyed that I am now an interview ready person, now we just need to get one lined up for you. Duh huh!!!

Well I came back home with my feet dragging behind me, just two hours of conversation made me so exhausted, I wonder now if I would have the stamina to put in an honest day’s work in an office. Perhaps not. :(

Well, as I said today was different and it felt like I was a girl back in my childhood and I was playing at being a grown woman out to job. :)


  1. Good! Neetakuta, now we are on the right track! Add a pinch of hope and think of the beautiful capability of an empowered girl!!

  2. Coool.. you got it.. now get ready for the real one.. ALL THE BEST !!!

  3. Good Luck! And remember to treat Lord Balaji! ;)
