Monday, May 10, 2010

Kinder Surprise

One of my earliest childhood dreams had me coming back to the apartment we used to stay in, opening the door and having Kinder chocolate falling on me, the entire apartment being filled in with the chocolate and me diving straight into it. Well it’s no wonder then that I was obese as a child and not that I am svelte now either. :)

Now in India when the ad was coming on for Kinder Surprise, the chocolate egg with the toy inside, I used to get all nostalgic and reminisce those days of hair pulling competition I used to have with my brother over some of those toys we would find inside Kinder Surprise!

I have had the opportunity to taste quite a few chocolates now and till date I still find Kinder occupying the cherished number one position in my mind. This could be more a childhood formed bias than the actual taste per say but that is how it continues. So when a friend (Shyju) went to US and asked me what I wanted I hounded him for Kinder chocolate. This was in 2004. I truly thought he was lying when he reported back that he couldn’t find the chocolate there. :) I threatened and emotionally blackmailed and at last my poor friend managed to get it from Dubai airport while in transit. All was well. :)

Kinder by the way is German for children and it’s produced by the Italian chocolate company Ferrero. The chocolate has been in existence in the European market from 1967 and it still continues to thrive here. The taste yet undiminished and untouched by modern times. Ferrero is more famous for the chocolate Ferrero Rocher but its other products are also famous like Tic Tac (the mints), Nutella (the chocolate spread), Confetteria Raffaello (more famously known as the white Ferrero Rocher and my friend Smitha’s favorite) and others.

Well, the reason I am rambling on about my favorite chocolate is that I have been indulging myself for the past few weeks. So today when my dad said you look FAT when he saw me on skype, it was like the warning bells were tolling away crazily. When he added that with a follow up comment on how hypocritical I was by gorging my face with all kinds of sweets and at the same time advising him not to touch any; I guess to say I felt embarrassed to the core would be an understatement. So dad from today I shall abstain from chocolates and sweets of all kinds except for my customary two spoons of sugar in my tea if you don’t mind.

I am sure Shaiwal on reading this shall just roll his eyes over and say, “Yeah right!!!” For all its worth I am going public and as a responsible blog writer (heheheh) I shall keep my readers (by god are there any actually?) updated on this vow of chocolate abstinence. Dear god, I hope I don’t regret this one!!  :(


  1. ha ha ha.. neeta u ll stay away from calories.. i still remember u gorging away plate full of jalebis in office.. well neeta this is going to be a real bad news for the chocolate factory.. they ll have to stop a few of their factories

  2. Seriously man, the urges still come in great waves but so far i havent given in yet!!! sheesh all those lovely chocolates and me ignoring them
