Wednesday, March 31, 2010

First Snow of my life

It’s 1 degree Celsius out here and its SNOWING!!!. As I write this blog I can see snowflakes falling ever so lightly on the ground. I cant tell you how kicked up I feel to be able to witness this. It had been miserable yesterday with rain all through the day and the night before, the temperature had been dropping pretty steeply. By night however everything seemed to go still so before turning to the bed I thought I would peek outside and see how it was. Imagine my surprise and wonder when I suddenly saw the place right in front of my window all covered in snow. It was my first experience with snow at such close counters!! :)Shaiwal and I couldn’t hold ourselves so we bundled up in warm clothes and went out to feel the snow. It feels just like the ice that jams your freezer up :) I could feel snow getting crunched below my sneakers, I could feel it wafting onto my shoulders and head and melting there. I could FEEL snow!!! Oh My god!! :D

Here are pictures of the garden that you can see right from our window. The first on is taken before it started snowing the second picture is its state at night after the fresh layer of snow, the third one of Mr.Mathur in the snow and the last picture is what I took today morning. Amazing is it not!!! I would love to venture out now in the morning and feel it but right now feeling loathsome to bundle up in so many layers so maybe I shall during the afternoon when it should be a lil sunnier and hopefully it would have stopped snowing. I just need to do a turn around the block and then come back, at least I would have braved the elements, wouldn’t I? Kind of slippery to walk on the snow though and I wonder how it will be when it would start melting!!

Lots of people here have made plans for the long Easter weekend that’s coming up. We have Friday and Monday off, so that’s four days worth of holidays. People have been planning from Christmas and now it looks like the weather is going to play a damper on it. There are travel warnings being issued. :( BBC weather says it will get partly sunny by Thursday evening and all day Friday but its back to all day rain after that. Anyways hope everyone enjoys their Easter wherever they land up.

By the way after a tiresome and long research on broadband connections we finally decided on the one we would take and placed an order as well. Let me tell you for being a developed Nation the UK truly suck when it comes to telecom and other services industry. We can’t get a cable broadband connection because the cable lines are yet to be laid in our area so we necessarily need to get a landline and a broadband connection! The next thing is wherever you order it takes 20 -25 days for them to come and set up the connection for you. And finally the worst of the lot, everything has a lock in period of 18 months minimum!!!! Duh huh!!! What’s with the albatross syndrome?!! Whoa we are so far ahead and our services industry so competitive that the customer truly is the King or Queen, as may be the case. Just yesterday I had finished praising the Scottish Power for its timely service providing process and I get to see the other side of the coin the very same day!! I guess you need to take the bitter with the better, right? :)

Have a nice day to all. :)

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