Friday, March 19, 2010

Miserable start

Yesterday it was so windy that during the day I feared to venture out. I could hear the gushing wind and see the eerie way it seemed to make the trees orbit. Today I convinced myself that I had just chickened out due to laziness and that what could a lil wind do to anybody? Boy-o-boy what a mistaken thought that was.

Let me introduce you to "Gale" am sure the dictionary says that its a burst of wind but in reality its that powerful force that makes you go back two steps for every one step you take forward. There were times when I thought my hair was going to be separated from my scalp.

Actually when I started out on my walk it was sunny and decent and there I was minding my own business doing the rounds of the post office and walking down the street when out of nowhere it starts raining. RAIN?!!! Where did that come from?! I ran to the nearest Sommerfield store for cover by which time I am mildly drenched and I loiter around trying to soak up the store heater. After sometime I venture out by when Mr Rain has disappeared and Mr Gale makes his entry!! Dude how can such a nice day go downhill so fast?

Anyways back in my hotel room hugging a hot water bag and took a crocin too. Wondering how I can get my ears to thaw out!!! Darn, what a cold miserable start to a day.

By the way, as I mentioned in my previous blog, am reading about Abdul Karim and Queen Victoria. While the author presents in a very positive manner how the Queen’s Indian subjects pledged their alliance and loyalty to the crown during the Queen’s jubilee celebration time, it sort of had me feel disgusted how our Kings used to lay their swords at the Queen’s feet and kiss her feet. It also gave me a sense of awe towards Queen Victoria, especially when I found out that hers was the longest reign by a female monarch in history, it went over a period of almost 64 years!!!!

She started wearing only black till her death (82 years of age), following the demise of her husband when she was only in her 40’s, that’s almost half her life in mourning. Yet she was linked with her manservant John Brown and even rumoured to have had a secret marriage with him. In fact after her death, she was laid to rest at her request with her husband’s dressing gown in one hand and a lock of hair of John Brown in the other. In 2008, it was also found that the ring she wore while she was laid to rest was in fact John Brown’s mother’s wedding ring.

Actually there is a movie Mrs. Brown that is supposed to be based on this relationship. So my next interest in to watch that movie. History is interesting when it actually makes the people life like than just names to quote and years to remember, is it not?


  1. Good that you started liking history. Not many have the interest in it. Once hooked you would fall in love with it.

    I have spent years reading about Tamil, India, Hinduism and other things I am born with!

  2. hey, so happy to see your comment Mouli :) I always did love history, infact, thats why i always used to love hearing you talking about temples and Tamil Nadu :) I guess i am already hooked for life and seriously its interesting to learn about kings and queens.
