Sunday, March 21, 2010

Mad Dash Day

Ever get the feeling that what you are searching for is just there right in front of your eyes!! Well it’s not a philosophical question, that’s actually what happened to me this weekend. Supposed to meet Shaiwal’s friend – Kunal and wife at the airport, we decided to grab a bite at McD’s before heading out. So there we were, Shaiwal, his colleague and I, all good friends, having a nice time, chatting easily and this, was moments before the mad dash day starts.

First we end up not getting any bus to the airport so we hail a taxi and rush to the airport to find out that emigration was surprisingly efficient and for the first time in the history of baggage terminals all of Kunal’s 6 baggage pieces arrive together and in 5 minutes after disembarking. Which means that he was well on his way to his hotel by the time we arrive at the airport running even before we get out of the taxi, so we head back from airport to the city and ask for directions to the hotel, instead. Well we have a street name and a hotel name and some landmarks too, should be easy enough to find where the hotel is right? WRONG, especially if you are only 2 weeks old in the city, so we end up taking various buses, walking down totally unconnected streets, walking back all the way and then doing the round twice, asking directions right from the bus drivers to the layman on the streets. After what seemed to be an eternity but in reality was 2 hours of a lot of research and activity we finally nail down the street, whoppeeee!!!

Old friends meet, the rest of us get introduced, life is sunny again. Only that the new entrants are hungry so could we please get something to eat. Sure, whatever you say, there seems to be something up ahead, lets just walk down and check it out. What do you know? It’s the same McD where we were not 2 hours back!!! Gosh why did we even try?!!!  :(

Since the day was a lil trying we decided that everyone should head to the beach, nothing soothes you better than nature and that too in an area filled with land and mountains, the water does wonders. So we headed to this place called Seton Sands (Pronounced as Satan Sands). Jannat truly!

With shining waters till the horizon, a whole horde of seagulls dotting the entire sea line very prettily. If ever you want to meet your own soul this is definitely one spot where you could. The banks were lovely green lawns, with a walker’s tarred path streaking through the lawn and beyond that the ocean lying serene with no waves just patience and perseverance in ever drop of water there was.

I tried to capture all that beauty in my camera and I failed miserably, there is no painter as good as god and there is no canvas as vast and beautiful as this world. I did wish I had one of those multi zoom lens high tech camera’s and the ability to use them to their best. :)

There was this house right on the opposite side with full length windows and white curtains. A lovely comfy three seater sofa and a nice telescope all propped up and set ready. It just looked so lovely, I kept imagining if the owners stayed there or did they drive down for weekends? Did the owners have guests for dinner and have star gazing sessions out there? But most of all I wondered how it would be on a star lit night to have a cup of hot chocolate in hand and gaze out through that telescope………I wish I knew. :)

Had a lovely time coming back too, coz although the place was lovely it lacked human inhabitation considerably, so when our bus driver cheerfully informed us that the bus went only half way back, we all had a moment there. However, the driver turned out to be our good samaritarian and did a bus chase including a close overtake and then halting another bus which would go all the way back and so we managed our trip back to civilization.

Interesting day, i must admit. :)


  1. amazing day huh ! tell me how different is the sea from the one in India

  2. Water in any form is calm's everyone! Try you hands on starter DSLR. I am sure you would make a good shutter bug!
