Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I have watched the show repeatedly, still continue to watch it repeatedly and yet I just don’t tire of it. I know it’s not just me, millions of people round the world share my sentiments. FRIENDS – rock!!
Started in 1994 and ended being aired in 2004, it’s still got that current relevant feel to it. A bundle of laughs, a great way to wind down with no cheap shots, it’s awesome. This is one series that I am addicted to; I don’t suppose I will ever get over my addiction either. Did you know there are talks of a movie on FRIENDS? Well on record everyone seems to be dismissing these talks as just rumor’s but I just cant help wishing that it wasn’t a rumor. Logically, I know the series was pure fiction but then at times I do catch myself wondering how Joey is? Did Monica and Chandler finally start living in the suburbs? Are Ross and Racheal together or did they fight and break up….again? Is Phoebe still with Mark?

Well I did a net search on the guys and found out how they were doing in real life and turns out it wasn’t such a happy ending after all. Here is the link to what happened with Friends actors - http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/jennifer-aniston-matt-leblanc-friends-cast-now/story?id=9648807
Check it out, meanwhile check out their pics which I took from that site.

I still loved reading up tidbits on them, like how Monica was initially asked to play Racheal’s role but she declined and instead chose to play Monica. Like how Perry was the initial choice for Chandler’s role but he didn’t have dates so the producers tried to find someone else but none seemed quite right for the role and as fate would have it Perry suddenly got out of one show and had dates after all. Am so glad on that one, coz Chandler is my all time favorite character on this series.

Mindbuster trivia of all – “NBC agreed to pay $10 million to Warner Bros. for the production of each tenth season episode, the highest price in television history for a 30-minute series.”…….and……… “Until 2005, Friends had earned $4 million per episode in cash license fees, for a total of $944 million”

So that made me wonder how much did the cast of Friends actually make and well here is the answer – (Source – wikianswers.com)

In their original contracts for the first season, each cast member was paid $22,500 per episode. The cast members received different salaries in the second season, beginning from the $20,000 range to $40,000 per episode. Prior to their salary negotiations for the third season, the cast decided to enter collective negotiations, despite Warner Bros. preference for individual deals. The actors were given the salary of the least paid cast member, meaning Aniston and Schwimmer had their salaries reduced. The stars were paid, per episode, $75,000 in the third season, $85,000 in the fourth, $100,000 in the fifth, and $125,000 in the sixth season. The cast members received salaries of $750,000 per episode in the seventh and eight seasons, and $1 million per episode in the ninth and tenth. The cast also received syndication royalties beginning with the fifth season
Well guess that isn’t too shabby now is it?


  1. you know what, the biggest skill of the writer for the series was
    1. simple - yes nothing was complicated
    2. anyone and everyone could understand - hence it was global
    3. its really not needed to understand the past, newcomers could join in and would get the hand of it quickly

    So 3 easy steps is the formula but interesting fact is that no one has tried it till now after them and dont forget they never had any large format adds .

  2. good points and hey thanks for the comment, now i know that atleast someone reads my blog!!! :)

  3. For the record Neetha, there are people who hate Friends! I do hate inspite of the fact that my akka is a big fan. I like Joey and Phoebe.

    My favourites in the order,
    Seinfeld, Becker and Scrubs. Try to catch the re-runs in TV or rent a DVD of Seinfeld. You would be hooked to it instantly!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Also, Ms Super Friends fan...
    Phoebe isn't with Mark... never was never will be... she's with Mike :-)
    From a Hyper Friends Fan!!
