Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Life in Edinburgh

Bad weather day!! Its been raining continuously from yesterday evening, at first it was just a slow drizzle but then during the night it picked up and its accompanied by howling winds now. When I used to read this term “howling winds”, initially in Enid Blyton novels, I always used to wonder about it. Now I don’t!!! No wonder this place has ghost tours, it feels so eerie, to have winds sounding like ghosts and trees scraping at your windows. You can easily allow imagination to take over and reduce you to a scared quivering mass. :(

Me having dreams is a rare phenomenon, I generally sleep the sleep of the dead and it’s quite impossible to wake me up during that time. These days though, I get dreams everyday and strangely enough I can remember them during the day. I also wake up every hour and check the time!!! It’s not like I have some place to go to!!!

Anyways, I went through a lesson on hygiene during the past few days. My mother is a maniac when it comes to cleanliness and my brother seems to have inherited it, I take after my father’s side though. :) So when I got a new quilt and even though I knew I hadn’t washed it yet, in the interest of warming my frozen blood I decided to overlook that fact and used it at night. In the morning I woke up with allergy boils all over my arms!! Yuck!!! So yesterday was my absolute hygiene day where I ran 3 loads of washing and scrapped every speck of dust from my home. Its taking time but the boils are slowly disappearing, thank heavens.

I went to a recruitment agency yesterday to hand in my resume, only to be returned at the door, coz they don’t let you in without an appointment. They did give me an email ID to send in my resume to. Hmmm….still got loads to learn about the job market here.

One thing impressive that happened was I was clearing out my post box for this apartment and I found a mail from Scottish Power the electricity company, addressed to “The occupier”. Since they knew that tenants were changing and each tenant can choose electricity provider as per their wish, they had already started wooing us into choosing them. Not bad at all!! Now I just need to figure out stuff like, what plan, what rates and is it Scottish power I want to choose or not?

To top it off i got a call from Scottish Power yday to further persuade me to choose them. How did they get my number? Well i had logged onto one of these sites where they do comparison of electricity providers and tell you which one works out cheapest for you. You need to provide your postcode, whether its a one bedroom or so apartment and your contact number. Not bad at all from a marketing perspective, eh?

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