Tuesday, June 22, 2010


So i finally am connected now, i got my email ID. Why I thought I was missing it I dont seem to remember now. Coz from the moment i got it meeting requests and work requests have been pouring in. So yesterday I most definitely did not spend the time looking at the clock and wondering if I could hang myself on the hour's hand. People seem to be crawling out of the intranet woodwork to hunt me down and then give me work. :(

Well I guess one day of work honeymoon period is all I get. Anyways, my colleagues very sweetly also taught me how to book my work space. Whats that? Well there is a rotating desk policy here which means you dont get permanent work spaces but you need to keep booking and you can only book for 3 weeks ahead not more. I dont know why the company bothers because as far as I can see people pretty much still keep sitting at the same place. So anyways, I dutifully did my workspace booking and felt happy about it. Only to receive a mail from some guy saying I had booked his space and that he absolutely needed to sit with his team and if I had any queries then to check with HIS BOSS. One, what a looser, I can imagine girls sending mails out like that but a guy, hell just walk upto me and request me for the seat! Two, I seriously wonder what possible query he thought I would have to take up to his BOSS!

Long and short of it, I did redo my booking at the internal website. Not here to make enemies now are we?


  1. Hmm Good.. So the time have come now !! To track the work status alloted for you.. All the best da :-)

  2. So now you know how to keep the same place through out if any body books ur place write them back to check with your BOSS ;)

  3. Thanks Gopi I need it.

    Kalyan - hehehe, dont want to do all this kindergarden nonsense da. What stupidity na? Hey did you see aanand's wedding album?
