Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Shaiwal Birthday Prequel

Well I did his birthday celebration kick off from Friday evening although his birthday was on Sunday. The reason being this year my nakshatra birthday came 2 days ahead of my birth date and he sort of grumbled over the fact that how malayalees make things complicated by having 2 birthdays and how he shouldn’t have to give me a card for both (which I made him do). So I thought it would be nice to reciprocate.

Anyways on Friday evening his gift had come and was waiting at the post office to be collected, the mail man had tried delivering it at home but since the packet was too big for our mailbox and since I was not at home at the time, it went back to the post office. So we went straight to the post office after his day of work and collected the packet. Totally bewildered he couldn’t make out what it was and he had no clue that it was for him.

I had ordered for a collage poster of photos of our parents, god, our relatives, friends and ourselves. Shaiwal had mentioned he would like something done on these lines when we finally move to a permanent home. I also had a selfish intent in that coz I myself wanted these photos in print and on display so that whenever I pass them by I could have a look and feel good.

We then went to the railway station to check our train timings, for we had booked tickets to Glasgow on Saturday. The icing on the cake, these tickets were cheaper than the single fare bus ticket from one bus stop to the next. However, at the railway station we found out that the reason the tickets were cheap were because they were for cross country trains and hence the train was to leave at 7:25 am and the return train would be at 9:05 pm. We weren’t sure then if we would have that much to do at Glasgow so we decided to meet our morning train on time and the evening train we would see to when the time came.

Waking up early in the morning to go to office is an ordeal but doing so for a trip is always something you look forward to. So as per schedule we boarded our train and started our day to Glasgow. The internet showed that Glasgow had loads to offer in terms of shopping but in terms of sights the list had more museums than anything else. We had planned our day with Hindu temple, Kelvingrove museum (which was a must see as per the net) and the Science centre. Also on the plan on special demand from the birthday boy was Indian food at a South Indian restaurant for dosa’s and idli’s.

That’s Part 1 of my story and the sequel shall be published tomorrow kind readers cause today I need to go shopping for formals as tomorrow is my FIRST DAY AT WORK!! :) Yes guys its finally dawned and i am as excited as a kid on the first day of school after summer vacations, a little anxious too with butterflies in my tummy. Wish me luck people.

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