Thursday, June 17, 2010

First day at work

My first day at work! Well I didn’t make a fool of myself but oh god I got so drained out, the person I am supposed to replace is leaving today so he had exactly two days to download his knowledge to me! Which meant that right from the word GO he was training me on what’s what and how it needs to be done, not that I managed to get everything in but well at a very quick pace at least I understood what is happening. :)

My manager seemed to be a middle aged man and I was actually shocked to know that he was going to be my manager, since I was interviewed by a lady who said I would be working with her, she has been replaced it seem

My interview had happened with a lady who said she was recruiting me for her team, turns out she has now been replaced by another guy whom I am currently reporting to. It was a weird situation actually because he had no clue about me as he had not seen my resume or anything. However we had a good chat to being with and he asked a bit about my background, where I grandly told him about my 5 yrs in satyam and overall 6 yrs of work experience and blah blah. Later on in the day I found out that he had 26 years of experience. God these people just don’t look their age!!! Mortified is a small word compared to what I was feeling right then!

The people seem friendly enough, actually I have met only 3 people so far, one my manager, another the guy who is leaving today and a third a female who works on another project but under the same manager as me. Got to know quite a bit about them on the first day and I hope we all will be friends soon enough.

Had trouble with the vending machines AGAIN! I thought I was over that after my stint last time but I guess not, well I soon figured it out though and I love the fact that Hot chocolate is an option on it. :)

Well I got to run now, everyone, have a great weekend ahead. Take care.


  1. Well Done!!Congratulations!! A good milestone after several kilometers!!

  2. Good da.. Congrats.. :-)
    Making friends is not an issue at all.. 4 u !! :P But keep a check on the hot chocolate :-)

  3. Anonymous - thanks so much :)

    Gopi - :) yea i need to stay away from that hot chocolate da!
