Monday, June 7, 2010


It never fails to wonder strike me, the weather of Scotland. There we were on Saturday in 28 degrees of weather something which we are more used to as Indians and then suddenly on Sunday it drops to half, we are back to square one with 14 degrees!!!

Anyways weather is not what is important…NEWS is. My sister in law had her Rokka on Saturday. A Rokka I am told is a precursor to an engagement but not equal to an engagement , a function which states a formal understanding between two families that their children shall be wedded to each other in the near future. Well that very same function was done for Shaiwal’s sister. To say we were miserable here on that day would be an understatement, every minute of the day was spent wondering what was happening, how was it going and feeling bad that we weren’t there. Its hard enough being away from India on a normal day, during functions and festivals it gets really bad. :(

Well everything went well, families happy with each and a new relationship established. It felt good, especially for me since I was the only “in-law” among the four (Shaiwal, his parents and sister), now I have someone to give me company. :)

I spoke to the guy over phone. Suddenly I had become a Bhabhi, someone elder and I had to speak to someone in that capacity. It was a bit overwhelming for me. On my first call I was totally nervous till I realised so was the guy!!! :) 

Some people are very easy to speak to and well he, luckily for me is one of those people. I managed to have a decent conversation without committing any blunders and in fact managing a few laughs as well. Humour is always good in such situations it just makes you feel good.

Touchwood, I hope everything goes well and god gives his/her blessings to the couple.  When th D day arrives which should be before the year ends, i hope my little sister looks like the princess she is and enters into matrimony with all the best wishes and blessings possible. :)

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