Thursday, June 10, 2010

Retail Therapy

I have been indulging in retail therapy these past few days. Before you guys do the “I Know it all nod,” let me tell you I haven’t been shopping for myself. I have been shopping for home and family, since my sister in law’s wedding will be before the year ends, there are a lot of stuff which I think is needed at home and for her. Stuff that would be useful to decorate our home in Pune, like table cloth, bathroom accessories, pillow covers, etc. I know we get all these things in India but then I feel so cut off staying out here that I guess this is my way of participating in our happiness.

I started off looking for bargains at this store called TK Maxx where you get branded items for reasonable rates, not cheap but reasonable. I soon found out that at TK Maxx you needed to have the knack to pull out the good things from a pile of rubbish. Since, I am no good at this I soon lost my patience, so I went back to the good stores. There is something so wonderful to be in big swank stores that makes you aspire to another lifestyle where diamonds worth is pennies to you. :)

Lovely part though is that there are deals going on in almost all the big stores one day or another so you just need to keep going and keep an eye out. I got some wonderful stuff, great quality, good prices for home. Boosted my shopping confidence and wounded Shaiwal’s wallet. :)

Now, to let you in on the confusion and frustration I am going through…its Shaiwal’s birthday this Sunday and I have absolutely no clue what to do. Aside from the fact that I have yet to start earning which means I am penniless there is no brainwave hitting me this time on, as to what I can do to make this day special for him. So every shop I go to I wander the men’s section and let me tell you its BORING!!! The colours are boring, the stuff is boring, even the way its displayed is boring. Guys, no offence meant its just that i am at my wits end and there isnt a solution in sight.

So after checking all the stores I found out that men’s section everywhere carries shirts, pants, socks, undergarments, sunglasses, ties, cufflinks, suits, scarves, hats, belts, jackets and wallets. And unfortunately Shaiwal isnt in need of any of these and even if he were i dont think any of these items would get a wide grin on his happiness as he unwraps it as his bday present.

I especially feel guilty because Shaiwal made my birthday this year very special by gifting me things which “I like.” Do any of you have any ideas??? I can do without the wise cracks please.